Here is how to fill your diary.... - flirties

Here is how to fill your diary....

We all love it when business rocks but what if it goes quiet and your diary is empty? 

Here are a few things you can do....
Are you struggling with the weather? (and how your adhesive reacts?) - flirties

Are you struggling with the weather? (and how your adhesive reacts?)

At certain times throughout the year the weather can become a bit of a challenge for lash artists and those working with adhesives. With so much advice available online, let's see what is fact and fiction and clear up some myths....

July 19, 2019 — Britta Krueger
Lash lifting Myths uncovered - flirties

Lash lifting Myths uncovered

If you offer lash lifting (or want to start) then you might have seen numerous suggestions and assumptions online which can be quite confusing so we will look at the most common ones...
July 16, 2019 — Britta Krueger
How to take perfect pictures..... - flirties

How to take perfect pictures.....

You put so much blood, sweat and tears into your business and we all know that pictures (especially before and after) are a brilliant way to advertise your business. 

So how can you take those beautiful pictures? 
Start your career in beauty....where to start? - flirties

Start your career in beauty....where to start?

You have taken the first step in finding your true passion. 
You love beauty 
You have decided this is what you want to do 

You want to make the start and create your very own beauty business. 

So, where do you start?

If you look in the internet you will find endless courses, training classes and online tutoring ....but which one is best for you? 

Obviously you want to make sure you get the best training to help you off to a good start but with such an overwhelming choice it is hard to know what would suit you best! 


Traditionally college courses would be the best recommendation but over the years sadly a lot of the courses have not been kept up to date and the methods and techniques taught are quite dated. You are also in a class room with many other students which can be difficult if you really want to get stuck in and learn something. 

Look for independent trainers who have got a good reputation. Short classes or one day courses dont have to be bad as long as the content is good. More importantly look for aftercare. 

When you are learning something new it isn't always the initial day that is important but how well the tutor looks after you as you start doing the treatments on your own. 

* Do you get feedback
* Can you contact your trainer for support?
* Is there a group to help each other
* Does the trainer work with a brand who will back you up and help?
* What other advantages do you get? ie loyalty offers, VIP scheme etc

All these things will help you get a better feel for the trainer you are choosing. Keep your ears and eyes open and see if the trainer gets good feedback from those who have trained in the past!

There is lots of things you can do to see if a course is for you, and dont despair if your friends recommend something different......You need to do what is good for you and your new venture!


How to make more profit (must read) - flirties

How to make more profit (must read)

If you could increase your margin and make your business  more profitable, would you be interested? 

Then read on to find out how you can do this.....

Is there a PERFECT product? - flirties

Is there a PERFECT product?

If you love your business and want to progress and get more out of it then you will probably be part of several groups on social media? 

The most frequent asked question is 

"what is the best adhesive"
....."best wax"....."best lashes" ...."best tan"......find out more...

10 things to avoid when wearing lash extensions - flirties

10 things to avoid when wearing lash extensions

These are some of the most common pitfalls when wearing lash extensions. 

Use this as a checklist to help your clients improve retention...
5 Tips for SENSITIVE eyelash clients - flirties

5 Tips for SENSITIVE eyelash clients

If you are offering lash enhancements and in particular lash extensions to your clients you have probably experienced this:

You take great care to look after your clients BUT the odd client might just be too sensitive? Here is what you can do to help those clients....
June 07, 2019 — Britta Krueger
How to keep your calm (even when it is busy) - flirties

How to keep your calm (even when it is busy)

We have all been there....... we want a successful business but when it does take off we are chasing our tail and don't know what to do first.....

Read what you can do to make sure you are totally relaxed even when it gets busy.....
June 07, 2019 — Britta Krueger