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New to lashes? Where do you start?
Have a look at our recommendations, tips and advice so you can make a success of it!....
Consultation - a waste of time?
I believe that a consultation and patch test is essential to providing a good service to your clients and here are the reasons why:
Is there such a thing as "too much" help?
Can there ever be too much?
Too much support?
Too much information?
Too many people trying to help?
Too many groups and options?
How to say NO to clients and WHY!
Are you allowed to sack clients?
Can you say NO to appointments or clients?
Find out why it may or may not be a good idea!...
Here is how to fill your diary....
Here are a few things you can do....
How to take perfect pictures.....
So how can you take those beautiful pictures?
How to make more profit (must read)
If you could increase your margin and make your business more profitable, would you be interested?
Then read on to find out how you can do this.....
Is there a PERFECT product?
If you love your business and want to progress and get more out of it then you will probably be part of several groups on social media?
The most frequent asked question is
"what is the best adhesive"
....."best wax"....."best lashes" ...."best tan"......find out more...
Patch testing YAY or NAY?
Make It Up As You Go Along
Has the new year inspired you to make some changes to your business? Are you looking for more profitability? Now is the time to work smarter, not harder!
To improve the profits you make, you need to find a way to bring in more money without increasing your workload. One very easy way to do this is through retailing! Of course, it is not that straight-forward, as you need to make sure that your shelves are stocked with the right products that your clients will find it impossible to resist.