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Give your academy a BOOST!
Building and running a successful training academy can be hard work and stressful at times so have a look to see how teaming up with flirties could help you get off to a good start!
Get your Brow Business started
When you are getting started with your brow business there are so many choices! Have a look at what is hot and what is not so you can pick the best for your business....
Curious to find out more about volume lashes? Have a look at our overview of premades, promades and handmade volume so you can see which option would suit you and your clients best! Read more....
Every lash artist is looking for the PERFECT adhesive, so how do you find it and which one is the right adhesive for you? Read more to find out! ....
Are your products safe? (Blog by Frankie Widdows)
This is a MUST READ for anyone using lash products and wondering if it is easier to buy the products abroad! FRANKIE WIDDOWS explains why this might not be a good idea.....
It's getting HOT out there!
We all know that the weather can have an impact on products and how they work and the recent warm and sunny days can create challenging conditions for any lash artist. Find out what you can do to achieve reliable results...
An interview with .....
Here are some thoughts and tips from Britta Krueger - Founder and owner of flirties. Find out what you can do to future proof your business ...
Patch testing!
Due to the extended lockdown and increased client sensitivity to certain treatments or products the insurances have changed their view on patch testing! Find out more....
Coronavirus FAQs (by the Guild)
The Guild of beauty therapists has recently published frequently asked questions regarding Covid, patch testing, appointments etc - This is a VERY important read!
Are you ready to become a celebrity lash stylist?
Will you be the next celebrity lash stylist? Find out how you can participate with a unique offer from flirties & lashinc!