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Make it your own
More and more training academies are looking to create their own brand of beauty products and if you think this might be for you then keep on reading to find out more....
Top tips to save you money and boost your business
Whilst I am a firm believer that cutting corners never pays off and can actually cost you more, there are some things you can do to save money on your favourite supplies while boosting your business at the same more...
This is how you can improve retention for your lash and nail clients
Are your clients saying that their nails dont keep the shine or not lasting as long as normal?
Are your lash clients experiencing shorter retention or the adhesive is behaving differently?
Here is what might be happening.....
Are your lash clients experiencing shorter retention or the adhesive is behaving differently?
Here is what might be happening.....
Join us for a COVID_19 Catch up
For the last few months we all had to put our live on "hold".
Now, the wheels are getting in motion again, how is it working out? ....
Now, the wheels are getting in motion again, how is it working out? ....
How to prepare your business for reopening.....
We all want to get ready for reopening. We want to put everything in place but where do you start? .... Read on to find out more....
Make the most of it now!
Did you know that this is the best time to try something new? Read on to find out what you can do to use your time wisely and make most of this "little break"....
Get your Terms & Conditions in place
Terms and conditions or policies (as you may call them) are crucial for any business and it helps clients to understand what they must do (or must not do) and when.
Read here what you should include....
Read here what you should include....
Can "cheap" be more expensive?
If you want to save money and increase your profit margin then this is a MUST read as buying cheap products might actually work out more expensive.......find out more!
Are you being bullied?
I bet this title will raise a few eyebrows so read on if you want to find out more!
There is different forms of bullying and you might just be a victim without knowing or realising that it is actually happening to you!
There is different forms of bullying and you might just be a victim without knowing or realising that it is actually happening to you!
New to lashes? Where do you start?
You have probably thought long and hard about this before making the decision to start your venture into the lash world. It is such an exciting time but where do you start?
Have a look at our recommendations, tips and advice so you can make a success of it!....
Have a look at our recommendations, tips and advice so you can make a success of it!....